It was a busy day one. Just as we finished our first game we had to move on to game two. It was now early evening and all of us had only had breakfast so far... I had a fancy snack gobbling down a whole bag of chips...
I played against a really nice orc player with an army at the same comp as me (12 out of 20). My dice were on fire and he was new to the Dark Eldar in action so I got to widdle down his numbers and then beat him up in close combat. Had a lucky first turn where I blew up his big dread and killed a bunch of boyz with my Venoms. He played quite defensively and I got to capitalize on that.
A Wyche champ survived alone fighting about 15 Boyz weathering a gazillion attacks with some nutty invo and feel no pain saves for 2 turns! I got a 16-4 win in the end. A fun opponent and a great "first" real tournament game. I don't play against orcs that often but one thing I have learned is that there will be lots of close combat and you do not want them to assault you. It's better to go in and hit them when they are only S3.
The last game for the day was against another fellow member of Rogue Trader, he fielded a nice Black Templar army with a little bit of everything. 2 units of Terminators in drop pods a large unit of Marines in a drop pod, 2 Rhinos, Emperors Champion, some bikes and the rest Marines basically. I've played his army before so I knew what to expect. He played quite defensively and rolled high scatters on his drop pods which allowed me to attack and isolate his units with beasts and Wyches. I killed off a few Terminators with shooting, assaulted the rest with Wyches and killed them. Enough numbers still kill them, and I shot down his Marshal. I almost wiped him out and got a 20-0 win.
So a pretty good day one after all. We went to an overpriced Indian restaurant, had some food and beer and then crashed.
Day two to follow.
Hey there.
Seems like you had a fantastic time at the tournament, finished with a nice result also so life is sweet i guess :)
What points in your list did you think were the weakest / strongest? Anything you would do different?
Oh well congratulations once more to a nice played tournament.
Jimmy (teknistmajjan on druchii, the other Dark elf player who used ALOT of bodies)
Posted by: | 29 April 2011 at 05:48 AM
Yeah, it went better than expected :) Which made me meet my goal of ending in top 25.
The weakest point are the Hellions for sure. They did nothing for 7 games. Except dying, the best they did was killing a single attack bike with shooting, and then survived with a single model... I think the best was Wyches in the Raiders in competition with my 3 units if Beasts. They get to share the top spot. The Beasts got wiped out in most games but took a lot of enemies with them. Another Razorwing flock or even a Clawed Fiend would have been a good upgrade.
2nd best was my 2 Ravagers, they survived most games and did a lot of damage.
Are you going to LinCon by the way? I'm in the 40k tournament...
Posted by: benmannen | 29 April 2011 at 06:27 PM
Allright, well nice reading i hope it goes well on Lincon aswell.
I am not attending lincon. I am one of the Skellefteå players, we met at QFA a couple of years ago. So basicly its to far away at the moment for me. Got a daughter now and well you know, i dont want to be away from her ^^
Anyway, i'm writing a small blog myself about my De, will be more coming as my knowledge about both 40k and DE improves.
Posted by: | 04 May 2011 at 11:25 PM