Here's another add-on to the Retro list. I repainted one of my four Raven Strike figher to fit into the daaaark color scheme of the Retro army. I've got to swap out the flyer base.
Scourges got fired even before their first appearance on the battlefield. I dropped them and a warrior to be able to fit the Raven in. It seems very overprice, but maybe 6th ed will fix that. Guess we will know soon :)
6th Edition didn't fix the Raven Strike Fighter, but Imperial Armour: Aeronautica has. =) They're back up to 205pts each, but they have a slew of special rules now. =D
Posted by: Nosmo75 | 20 July 2012 at 03:40 PM
The Forgeworld 6th ed update adds all the 6th ed specific rules to it... And it makes it a bit better, but did they change the points cost in Auronatica? That sounds strange since it was a bit overpriced as it was... Ok thanks for the tip, I'd better get it :)
Posted by: benmannen | 20 July 2012 at 04:10 PM