I might play in a campaign soon. It's been really long since I participated in one, and it's usually me that organizes them, but it's hard to keep peoples interest... This one seems promising, quite a few participants and I don't know most of them which will be nice. New opponents, and new lists to face.
So I decided to start the new list based on some fluff, and try out the new units GW just released minis for. Also I want it to be led by a Succubus, since I rarely use those and then of course throw in some drug-using units. I went for a alternate weapon choice for the Succubus, just Razorflails, I figured he-she would only go for infantry and vs Marines she would do about as many wounds as with an Agonizer, maybe a little bit less but enough. I like keeping her cheap and I have a great idea for a Succubus conversion that would look great with Razorflails... So I have to keep her with that. I might after playtesting add a Powerweapon or an Agonizer, but she is keeping the Razorflails :)
A Haemonculus will be needed for a "free" Pain Token, and he will act as an advisor to the Succubus. I also want to try out a 7 strong Scourges Unit, a Cronos and my favorite flyer, the Voidraven Bomber.
The campaign starts at 1500p and can reach 1650 if you conquer territories that confer extra points. I built a 1500p and a 1750p so I can practice the list in regular 1750p games, they are quite similar.
So I'll work on some background fluff, the campaign requires a little bit of writing, and I'll get back to you about it.
Here's the 1500p list, for you that use the RT comp system, it scores really high (well) at 67.5(!!), the 1750 scores 58.5.
Razorflails 10
Haywire Grenades 5
Total 80
Haemonculus 50
Liquifier Gun 10
Total 60
5 Harlequins 90
4 Harlequins Kiss 16
Total 106
3 Wracks 30
Venom 55
Extra Splinter Cannon 10
Total 65
3 Wracks 30
Venom 55
Extra Splinter Cannon 10
Total 65
10 Warriors 90
Splinter Cannon 10
Blaster 15
Total 115
Raider 60
w Flickerfield 10
Total 70
8 Wyches 80
Hekatrix 10
Agonizer 20
Total 110
Raider 60
w Flickerfield 10
Total 70
7 Scourges 154
Solarite 10
2 Haywire Blasters 20
Total 184
4 Reavers 44
1 Heat Lance 12
Arena Champ 10
Venom Blade 5
Total 115
4 Reavers 44
1 Heat Lance 12
Arena Champ 10
Venom Blade 5
Total 115
1 Voidraven Bomber 145
2 Necrotoxin MIssiles 20
Flickerfield 10
Total 175
1 Cronos 80
Spirit Vortex 20
Spirit Probe 10
Total 110
Army Total 1500
Komp 67.5
Here's a pic of the Scourges halfway through painting, and the Voidraven Bomber in the background. I made a correct flying base for it, it looks really tall but that's how it's supposed to be.
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